Title: Swift as the Wind
Medium: Egg Tempera and 23kt Gold Leaf
Surface: Archival Paper and Ink Giclee Print w White Boarder
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Description :
Original Poem in Italic Calligraphy:
Swift as the Wind by Laguna Beach Artist Judith Haron
Swift as the wind
Yet adorns a flower
like a jewel
In nature, it searches
for a moment of nectar
A breathless hue
that elevates the soul
Oh, to see one more
burst into the daylight
‘Swift as the Wind,’ art and poem of the same name by Artist Judith Haron, holds the expressed vibrant color of the Amazon. The indigenous Kapo tribal culture is heavily influenced by their environments, brilliant surroundings, and a spiritual connection to the Hummingbird. The sun is a sacred spiritual symbol of creation and brings forth the gifts of Mother Earth, with a wish to preserve them.
Their permeant ceremonial tattoo art has nature’s communities and birds as a way of life that adorn their bodies. Their head dresses with brightly colored feathers, are placed upwards towards the sky, where the bird spirits come from. There is a story in Amazon culture, which considered Hummingbirds to be the highest of spirits, and of fallen soldiers who are sent back from beyond to communicate messages to their loved ones. Many indigenous cultures say the Hummingbird is a sign of protection for their children and new hope of a revitalized prosperity.
Bird Species
Hummingbirds: Honduras Emerald, Pink Throated Brilliant, Turquoise Puffleg, Sapphire Bellied, Royal Sungel, Chestnut Bellied, and Ruby Throated Brilliant Hummingbird.
Rainforest Butterflies: Blue Morpho Butterfly, Green Longwing, Red Nymph, and
Rainforest Flowers: Passionflower with Fruit, Parrot Beak Heliconia, Tropical Honey Suckle
Swift as the Wind