Title: Beyond the Tide
Original Medium: Egg Tempera and 23kt Gold Leaf
Surface: Archival Ink and Paper Giclee Print w 2” Boarder
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Original Poem and Art by Judith Haron
Beyond the Tide
Original Poem
by Artist Judith Haron
Beyond the Tide
One Waits
One Dances
One Hopes
Description: ‘Beyond the Tide,’ The narrative by Artist Judith Haron is about the circle of life as a Sandhill Crane waits for her chicks to be born. The Red Crowned Crane is in a mating dance by the light of the gold moon. The Whooping Crane is at the last part of the cycle with a Sphinx Moth that symbolizes the transition to the next life. The red ribbon symbolizes life’s energy flowing us all. The pink peony is a symbol of longevity and good fortune.
Beyond the Tide
Contact me if you’re interested in custom hand painted and gold embellishments that can be added to your print.